automate your tasks
Build custom applications
Talk to your database
- To save time and cost of handling repetative tasks and all conversational aspects with customers and your databases.
- To make human intelligence work in collaboration with AI is not only manging our external customer conversation but also I can automate my E-commerce processes with it
CEO, BestOfBharat
like Google Duplex let's you interact with local businesses, and UIPath let's you interact with Apps and Websites.
about what problems have what solutions - like Google let's you research for problem keywords, solution keywords. By giving instant answers or routing you to informational websites.
about what solutions are offered by what products / businesses - like Google let's you discover transactional apps, websites, local businesses.
Where Bot assists human with
Bot will understand ongoing+ previous conversations to refine responses
Customisations such as "Building apps" " Automating wokrflows" "Building conversational Flows" can be done in a low code/ no code interface